You know it only gets harder. . .
These were the words that my human physiology teacher started his lecture with yesterday. He was aiming his comment to the 20-somethings in the room who think that 15 hours and maybe a part-time job puts a crimp in their time. He was referring to a comment that was made to him when he was a 3rd year medical student. He stated that all you have to do the first two years of school is study. The next two you have as much work studying, plus the clinic rotations and finally as a resident you have to study just as much while people are dying on you.
I know it just gets harder and somehow you just adapt to the stress to meet the challenge. Just as an older student/applicant, that will be harder. I know that I have to apportion my time correctly now, too, or I won't even have a chance. It takes practice, but I am getting there. But I know it will only get harder.
I know it just gets harder and somehow you just adapt to the stress to meet the challenge. Just as an older student/applicant, that will be harder. I know that I have to apportion my time correctly now, too, or I won't even have a chance. It takes practice, but I am getting there. But I know it will only get harder.