Destination Medicine

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Finals, Finally.

I knew it would happen this way. I was trying on that white coat for the first time, just last week, right? I have made it through every lecture, clinical correlate, and lab thrown at me and now all that I have left is finals. Not that the rest is a cake walk, but now, it kind of looks manageable. Except for neuro. I am having a problem with neuro. The last test just wasn't what I expected. I studied for hours, including arriving at the LRC at 4:15 in the morning of the test to get a nice 8 hour block in before the test. The test was just not what I studied for, it was an imposter. So I finally graded it and failed. Not by much, but fail. The really frustrating and gnawing evil is what I missed because of the test. At my daughter's school there was a Mother's Day breakfast. She sang and danced and at the end, runs to mom to give her a big hug. Except it wasn't mom. It was my mom, which was fine. I just can't believe that I worked so hard and ended up failing and letting my mother's day hug be placed on anyone else but me. It was one of the only time this year that I feel I really let her down. There have been other instances, but this was a biggie in my book. No one else can fill in for mom on mother's day. Abigail didn't seem to mind that much and told me all about it and gave me the book that all the kids presented to the moms. In it, she answers questions like "What is a mom's job?" Her answer: "To study." and "What does your mom want for Mother's Day?" Answer: A syringe. I hope no one thinks I am an IV drug user from that answer. Another little girl whose mother works for the DEA stated that her mom's job was "killing bad guys." so maybe the syringe part isn't so bad.

I still really love everything that has happened this year. I have made wonderful friends, seen amazing stuff and been able to meet and interact with amazing faculty. I am in a great place and I don't want to be anywhere else. That includes repeating Neuro next year, so I had better get back on the ball and study! Six more exams and a little freedom!


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