Long Time, No Blog. . .
It is very demanding trying to keep all of the balls in the air that I am juggling. Three classes, two labs, one MCAT prep class, two kids, one husband, one 33-year-old house. Crazy!!! When I have time to sit down, I try to do things like interact with something other than a book or computer, so my blog has been neglected. I again marvel at the quaint optimism of the youngsters in my classes. There is a guy in the MCAT class who really looks like he could be Doogie's younger brother. But, I know that my focus was on much different things 15 years ago when I was in college the first time around.
I got an A on my organic test, I am THRILLED!!!!! But I should have gotten an A the first time, so alas, the yin-yang thing. I do look thinner though, because I worked my butt off. My family is also making a lot of sacrifices and working for me too. At this point, it is still worth it. My relationships with my loved ones have changed some, but they are still strong. We are all in this together and if there is a weak link, I will have to reexamine the entire process and goal. It won't be worth the M.D. after my name if I have alienated my husband and children and family. I will always keep that at the forefront of my mind.
I got an A on my organic test, I am THRILLED!!!!! But I should have gotten an A the first time, so alas, the yin-yang thing. I do look thinner though, because I worked my butt off. My family is also making a lot of sacrifices and working for me too. At this point, it is still worth it. My relationships with my loved ones have changed some, but they are still strong. We are all in this together and if there is a weak link, I will have to reexamine the entire process and goal. It won't be worth the M.D. after my name if I have alienated my husband and children and family. I will always keep that at the forefront of my mind.
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